Deep green leafy vegetables are a super food – kale, beet greens, collard greens, chard, etc. These are easy to add into any meal if you’re looking to boost nutrition without making a whole meal of it. (Also good for picky palates!)
Here’s how you do it: once you’ve cleaned the greens, chop them up until they’re VERY fine. I have little patience for things like chopping, so I use a food processor.
Then, add the finely chopped greens in small amounts to your recipes. If you’re new to this or dealing with a picky eater then add a very small about (~1/8 cup). If you like greens then add as much as you’d like!
Here’re some examples:
– spaghetti: add the greens to your sauce as it’s cooking. Complete recipe as normal.
-hamburgers: add your greens to the raw meat before cooking.
– fabulous addition to almost all savory soups.
Let me know if you try this and how you like it, Dr. Christy